Having trouble placing an order?
Please follow the steps to confirm your order is in shopping cart. Please click on shopping cart at the top right of your screen. Order information (items and quantities) should appear in shopping cart. If everything looks correct, please proceed to payment where you will be able to adjust the delivery time and day (or pick up), payment method, and delivery (change if picking up only). After you have clicked for payment process, you should receive one email notification from All About Catering with an invoice confirming your order. Please allow at least up to 15 minutes for email confirmation to arrive. If after 15-20 minutes you still have not received an email confirmation, please check Spam/Trash folders in your email account. If you still do not see your email confirmation or you are having trouble seeing your order in the shopping cart, please call 918-812-0709 for further assistance.
If you have placed an order with us but you have concerns whether a an order or payment went through, please call 918-812-0709 or email us at AllAboutCateringTulsa@yahoo.com
We want our patrons to have an awesome ordering experience when visiting our site! Questions or other inquiries, please email to AllAboutCateringTulsa@yahoo.com